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Time to get in the Garden

Time to get in the Garden

Posted by Builders's Buddy on 8th Apr 2022

Time to get in the Garden

With the good weather starting to finally arrive and the day’s getting longer. Attention turns to the jobs that need to be done in the garden.

It is a great opportunity to get outside and get some fresh air and tidy up the gardens or allotments. Whilst also thinking about planting flowers, vegetables, or re-turfing lawns to bring in some colour and vibrancy to look upon.

Here at Builders Buddy, we have a wide range of Gardening Tools to help with your gardening jobs from the small tasks to the bigger jobs.

To help with choosing the right tools for your jobs then there is a great webpage on the Gardner’s World website to help, which is here

Below are some tips for your garden in April:

  • Deadhead daffodils as soon as they look past their best (keep leaves in place for 6 weeks).
  • Apply mulch to young trees and shrubs.
  • Prune bush and climbing roses.
  • Mow your lawn, but keep your cutting height high.
  • Add fresh compost to the top of your containers.
  • Plant summer flowering bulbs.
  • Remove young weeds before they start to take hold.

With regards to Lawn Care the following steps should help with getting to looking its best:

  • Wait for a dry day and rake up any loose moss and dead grass using a lawn rake or scarifying rake.
  • If the grass seems wet and mossy, use a fork or aerator to make holes in the lawn, which you can fill with a sand/compost mix to increase drainage.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to chat about products on 01706 436 106 or drop us an email at We want to ensure you get the right product for the job you are trying to complete and always offer a personal service.

Also we always want to hear if you have any feedback for us.
